Meeting minutes

February 2025

WMR-SCCA General Meeting on Webex

Board Members present:

  • Lenny Basaj (Regional Executive)

  • Dave Ferris (Treasurer)

  • Mary Ellen Sickles (Secretary)

  • Dan Moody (Solo Program Manager)

  • Bruce Beauvais (Club Racing Program Manager)

  • Ed Maklenburg (Tech)

  • Ben Kaluski (Member-at-Large)

Board Members Absent:

  • None

Other Members Present:

  • Ted Flynn

  • Tom Smolenski

  • Rod Sickles

  • Scott Beute

  • Andrew Duma

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Regional Executive:
Lenny Basaj welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Treasurer's Report:
Dave Ferris provided the treasurer's report. Key points:

  • A check was received from Eaton for their Solo event.

  • The 990 tax form was completed and submitted.

  • A spreadsheet for GLD Spring Training in Fort Wayne was circulated, with a deadline of February 23 to sign up.

  • The financial situation remains strong, and the checking balance is reconciled with the latest bank statement.

  • A copy of the treasurer's report is available to members upon written request.

Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Mary Ellen Sickles, seconded by Dan Moody, and approved.

Club Racing Program Manager's Report:
Bruce Beauvais reported the following upcoming race dates:

  • Regional race: June 14 & 15

  • Majors: August 23 & 24

  • VSCDA: August 15–17

  • The supplemental regulations have been rewritten and will be submitted for approval this weekend.

Solo Program Manager's Report:
Dan Moody reported that the WMR Solo events for 2025 are scheduled for:

  • September 1

  • October 26
    Eaton Corporation has requested to hold a mid-week Solo event in June, and Dan will confirm the exact date.

Rally Cross Program Manager's Report:
Scott Beute shared the following updates:

  • Detroit Region’s schedule is available on their website.

  • March 29: March Madness Tarmac RallyCross at Milan.

  • April 19: Event at Milan and Auto City Speedway in Clio.

  • There will also be a trial of the track at The Badlands in Attica, IN.

Newsletter Report:
Editor position is still needed.

Area 4 Director Report:
Dayle Frame was not present.

Membership Chair:
Tom Smolenski was absent from the meeting.

Chief of Specialty Reports:

  • Flagging: Pete Hansen and Nathan McCormick were not present.

  • Communications: Lydia Hansen was not present.

  • Timing and Scoring: Dave Ferris and Ken Braley will work together this year.

  • Radios: Bruce Beauvais had no report.

  • Start: Bruce Beauvais had no report.

  • Grid: Mary Ellen Sickles sent out save-the-date notifications to grid workers.

  • Sound: Ted Flynn had no report.

  • Course: Wayne Rogers was not present.

  • Tech: Ed Maklenburg reported that Barb Steencken will serve as the Chief of Tech for the WMR Regional. Ed will order necessary supplies this week.

Old Business:

  • The Club Racing Experience at Spring Training on March 1 will be discussed in the future.

New Business:

  • The officers approved the use of Google Gmail for non-profit purposes, linked to the Squarespace website, to create email addresses for board members.

  • Ben motioned to proceed with this, seconded by Mary Ellen Sickles, and the motion was approved.


  • Ed Maklenburg announced that Dick Cole, a former steward, driver, and long-time friend of WMR, passed away last week. Dick was a member of the Detroit Region, and WMR will be sending a card to his family.

  • Members were reminded to stay logged in to sign up for GLD Spring Training.

Next Meeting:
Scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 7:00 PM on Webex.

Motion to adjourn was made by Ed Maklenburg, seconded by Mary Ellen Sickles, and approved at 7:23 PM.

January 2025

WMR-SCCA General Meeting on Webex

Board Members present:  Lenny Basaj, Dave Ferris, Dan Moody, Ed Maklenburg, Lance Loughman, Ben Kaluski & Mary Ellen Sickles

Board Members Absent: None

  • Other Members Present: Dale Frame, Ted Flynn, Tom Smolenski, Rod Sickles, Jon Krolewicz, Scott Beute, Nathan McCormick, Jeff Hammons, & Bill McCurdy

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

  • Regional Executive: Lenny Basaj welcomed everyone.

  • Treasurer's Report: Dave Ferris provided the treasurer's report. Key points included the expiration and renewal of a 6-month CD on January 1, 2025, with a renewal interest rate of 3.6%. Contracts for track events were sent to Grattan, and the charter copy was approved. The Eaton Solo account stands at approximately $700.00. The checking account balance is reconciled with the most recent bank statement, and a copy of the monthly treasurer's report is available to members upon written request. The report was moved to be accepted by Mary Ellen Sickles, seconded by Ed Maklenburg, and approved.

  • Club Racing Program Manager's Report: Bruce Beauvais (not present) announced that the regional race dates are June 14 & 15, the Majors on August 23 & 24, and VSCDA from August 15 to 17.

  • Solo Program Manager's Report: Dan Moody noted that the Solo events for 2025 are scheduled for September 1, and October 26. He provided no additional report.

  • Rally Cross Program Manager's Report: Scott Beute reported that the season opener is February 1, 2025, at AutoCity Raceway in Clio, through Detroit Region. A winter rally is planned at the Badlands in Attica, IN. Details for a summer Auto Cross school can be obtained by emailing Scott.

  • Newsletter Report: Editor still needed.

  • Area 4 Director Report: Dayle Frame discussed the mandatory implementation of Flagtronics for Hoosier Super Tours starting with the Road Atlanta event in 2025. Discussions at the National Convention and a session at the GLD Convention are scheduled regarding the adoption of Flagtronics. It may become necessary for regions to invest in Flagtronics if tracks do not.

  • SCCA National Convention: Scheduled for January 16-24, 2025, as a virtual event.

  • GLD Convention: Scheduled for March 1, 2025, in Fort Wayne.

  • Membership Chair: Tom Smolenski reported that all member letters have been sent out, with current membership standing at 388.

Chief of Specialty Reports:

  • No reports were provided by the Chiefs of Flagging, Communications, Timing and Scoring, Radios, Start, Grid, Sound, Course, or Tech.

Old Business:

  • Jon Krolewicz from Topeka Headquarters discussed the need to attract entry-level drivers, mentioning the current drivers schools and other initiatives like Track Night In America and Time Trials.

New Business:

  • A call for newsletter and Facebook editors was made.

Announcements: None.

Next Meeting: Scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 7 PM on Webex.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Ed Maklenburg, seconded by Dave Ferris, and approved at 8:14 PM.

december 2024

WMR-SCCA General Meeting on Webex

Board Members present:  Lenny Basaj, Dave Ferris, Dan Moody, Ed Maklenburg, Lance Loughman, Ben Kaluski & Mary Ellen Sickles

Board Members absent:  none

Other members present:  Dale Frame, Ted Flynn, Tom Smolenski, Scott Essenburgh & Rod Sickles

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.

Regional Executive: Lenny Basaj.     Welcome to everyone.

Treasurer's Report:  Dave Ferris:  The treasurer's report was sent to the board.  The P & L statements for all the races are completed.  We still need to do the split with Mid West Council, and need to talk to Bruce Beauvais about the car count numbers.  The contracts are ready to send to Grattan.  We had a pretty good year and it has us in a really good shape and back even better than we were in 2019.

Our financial situation is strong for continuing ongoing operations.  Our checking balance as presented in this month's treasurer's report is reconciled and equal to our most recent bank statement.  A copy of our monthly treasurer's report is available to our members upon written request.  Mary Ellen Sickles made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Ed Maklenburg and approved.

Club Racing Program Manager's Report:  Bruce Beauvais:   Not present.  The regional race is June 14 & 15.  The Majors is August 23 & 24. VSCDA is August 15 to 17.

Solo Program Manager's Report:  Dan Moody:   The Solo's for 2025 are September 1, and October 26.  There was some concern about the speeds at Grattan.  We will look into changing the classification from Solo to Hilltop or Track Sprint, which are sanctioned for higher speeds.

Rally Cross Program Manager's Report:  Scott Beute:  Not present.

Newsletter report:  Editor:  needed

Area 4 Director Report:  Dayle Frame:  Flagtronics will be mandatory for Hoosier Super Tours in 2025, starting with the Road Atlanta event and rules changes in the Club Racing program may make it mandatory for all Majors in 2026.  We as a Division need to look into costs for purchasing it.  Maybe it can be used Division wide.  The estimated cost is $18,000.00 for the hardware, and a yearly subscription for the software is estimated at $1,000.00.  Stewards (race control) will be operating the Flagtronics.

Sanction fees and insurance fees are up.  Headquarters wants sanction number requests 45 days before the events, otherwise a fee of $250.00 will be charged. Our membership cards will be changing also.

The SCCA National Convention is Jan16-24, 2025.  It will be a virtual event.

GLD Convention is March 1, 2025 in Fort Wayne

Membership Chair:  Tom Smolenski:  All letters have been sent out..

Chief of Specialty Reports:

  • Flagging:  Pete Hansen/Nathan McCormick:  Not present

  • Communications:  Lydia Hansen:  Not present.  

  • Timing and Scoring:  Dave Ferris:  No report until March

  • Radios:  Bruce Beauvais:  Not present.

  • Start:  Bruce Beauvais:   Not present.

  • Grid: Mary Ellen Sickles:   No report.

  • Sound:  Ted Flynn:  No report.  

  • Course:  Wayne Rogers:   Not present, submitted an email report.  As Chief of Course and for now again Chief of Fire and Rescue for 2025, I am looking for a replacement for Gary Bailey.  He was done after the Majors in August.   I have all of the equipment he had and it is stored at my house and garage.  I will be doing my job next year with the help of my sister.  We will block for each other.  I am not sure if we are going to be able to put out corner flags and pick them up at the end of the day.  We will have our hands full with two trucks.  I will rent a rollback for the first race. In August I should have my wrecker and an older rollback (I bought it this past summer and am working on it).

  • Tech:  Ed Maklenburg:  No report.

Old Business:  

Elections:  We sent out an email blast asking for volunteers to run for the officer positions.  The deadline was November 19, 2024.  There were no responses.  All of our current board members are willing to continue to serve.

New Business:  

Annual Charter renewal:  Dave Ferris usually does it and will send it out.

SCCA club race experience events usually have easy access and do not require a medical certificate or license.  South Bend Region has it during their Regional race, as an extra run group within the Regional.  We will look into doing a survey of the membership for interest.  Ben will check into this.

Announcements:  Ken Braley will be transitioning to Chief of Timing

Next meeting:  Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 7 pm on Webex

Adjournment:  Ed Maklenburg made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dave Ferris, approved at 8:14 pm.

november 2024

WMR-SCCA General Meeting on Webex

Board Members present:  Lenny Basaj, Dave Ferris, Dan Moody, Ed Maklenburg, Lance Loughman, Ben Kaluski & Mary Ellen Sickles

Board Members absent:  none

Other members present:  Ted Flynn, Tom Smolenski, Scott Beute & Rod Sickles

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.

Regional Executive:

Lenny Basaj.     Welcome to everyone.

Treasurer's Report:

Dave Ferris:  The treasurer's report was sent to the board.  Everything is balanced.  The P & L statements for the Majors and Labor Day Solo are completed.  We still need to do the split with Mid West Council, and need to talk to Bruce Beauvais.  The Eaton Solo was a wash.  We have made money on all our events this year.  The car counts were better this year.

Our financial situation is strong for continuing ongoing operations.  Our checking balance as presented in this month's treasurer's report is reconciled and equal to our most recent bank statement.  A copy of our monthly treasurer's report is available to our members upon written request.  Mary Ellen Sickles made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Dan Moody and approved.

Club Racing Program Manager's Report:

Bruce Beauvais:   Not present.

Solo Program Manager's Report:

Dan Moody:    October 27 was WMR's Solo at Grattan.  We had 97 cars, 6 runs for each car with no incidents.  There were 87 weekend memberships.  Thank you to Dave Ferris and Bruce Beauvais for working the gate.

Rally Cross Program Manager's Report:  Scott Beute:   We are trying to set up Rally programs at Badlands Off Road Park in Indiana.  Detroit Region has a Rally on Saturday November 23 at Milan Dragway and December 15 at Milan Dragway.  A fun race was enjoyed about 2 weeks ago at Wiegel Farm in Shullsburg WI called Freeze Your Curds Off, it was worth the drive.

Newsletter report:  Editor:  needed

Area 4 Director Report:  Dayle Frame:  Not present.  He has an EV meeting tonight.

Membership Chair:  Tom Smolenski:  All letters have been sent out..

Chief of Specialty Reports:

  • Flagging:  Pete Hansen/Nathan McCormick:  Not present

  • Communications:  Lydia Hansen:  Not present.  

  • Timing and Scoring:  Dave Ferris:   Grattan Raceway is sealing and repaving part of the track. They will fix the loop at the start/finish line.

  • Radios:  Bruce Beauvais:  Not present.

  • Start:  Bruce Beauvais:   Not present.

  • Grid: Mary Ellen Sickles:   No report.

  • Sound:  Ted Flynn:  will send the equipment in for calibration.  

  • Course:  Wayne Rogers:   Not present

  • Tech:  Ed Maklenburg:  No report.

Old Business:


New Business:  

Our RE Lenny shared a letter regarding submitting supplemental regulations deadline of 45-90 days before the event.  Otherwise there is a $250.00 charge.  If the rule is in the GCR there is no need to put it in the supps. also.


We will send out an email blast for nominations for anyone who wants to run for office.


Thank you from Lorrie Wandell:  Thank you for the donation to the SCCA Foundation.  I know Verne would have appreciated it.  SCCA meant a lot to him. A Wonderful family!

The GLD Spring Conference in Fort Wayne is March 1, 2025 

Next meeting:  Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 7 pm on Webex

Email votes since the last meeting:



Dave Ferris made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ed Maklenburg, approved at 7:27 pm.


October 2024

October 9, 2024  

WMR-SCCA General Meeting on Webex

Board Members present:  Lenny Basaj, Dave Ferris, Dan Moody, Ed Maklenburg, Lance Loughman, Ben Kaluski & Mary Ellen Sickles

Board Members absent:  none

Other members present:  Ted Flynn, Bruce Beauvais, Tom Smolenski, Scott Butte & Rod Sickles

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.

Regional Executive: Lenny Basaj.     Welcome to everyone.

  • Treasurer's Report:  Dave Ferris:  The treasurer's report was sent to the board.  Everything is balanced.  The P & L statements are not ready as still waiting for bills to come in, then we do the split with Mid West Council.

    Our financial situation is strong for continuing ongoing operations.  Our checking balance as presented in this month's treasurer's report is reconciled and equal to our most recent bank statement.  A copy of our monthly treasurer's report is available to our members upon written request.  Ed Maklenburg made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Mary Ellen Sickles and approved.

  • Club Racing Program Manager's Report:  Bruce Beauvais:   Tentative dates for 2025:  June 14-15 WMR Regional, August 9-10 WMR Majors, September 1 WMR Solo, October 26 WMR Solo.  Dayle Frame has agreed to be our pace car driver.  Gary Potter in Fire Rescue wants to retire, so we need a new person to take his place.

  • Solo Program Manager's Report:  Dan Moody:    October 27 is WMR's Solo at Grattan.  We had a Solo for Eaton Corp.

  • Rally Cross Program Manager's Report:  Scott Beute:  On October 27 there will be a Rally near Flint.  On November 2-3 there will be a Day/Night Rally Cross at the I-96 course in Lake Odessa.

  • Newsletter report:  Editor:  Matthew Koster:  Not present.

  • Area 4 Director Report:  Dayle Frame:  Not present.  He has an EV meeting tonight.

  • Membership Chair:  Tom Smolenski:  Needs stamps, Dave will get them to Tom.

  • Chief of Specialty Reports:

  • Flagging:  Pete Hansen/Nathan McCormick:  Not present

  • Communications:  Lydia Hansen:  Not present.  

  • Timing and Scoring:  Dave Ferris:   No report.

  • Radios:  Bruce Beauvais:  No report.

  • Start:  Bruce Beauvais:   No report.

  • Grid: Mary Ellen Sickles:   No report.

  • Sound:  Ted Flynn:  will send the equipment in for calibration.  

  • Course:  Wayne Rogers:   Not present

  • Tech:  Ed Maklenburg:  No report.

Old Business: 

Discussion of electronic number board.  We do have 2 manual boards.

New Business:  


Announcements:  Donations were sent to SCCA Foundation in Verne Wandell and Ric Green's memory. 

Next meeting:  Wednesday November 13, 2024 at 7 pm on Webex

Email votes since the last meeting:

Dave Ferris made a motion on September 25 to send a donation to SCCA Foundation in memory of Ric Green.  Mary Ellen Sickles seconded the motion and it passed.  

Adjournment:  Dave Ferris made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mary Ellen Sickles, approved at 7:18 pm.

Respectfully submitted by

Mary Ellen Sickles, Recording Secretary